Cluster A – inbound email delays
Original incident notification from OpenSRS
These notifications affect registration, transfer or renewal of domain names, SSL certificates and enterprise email clients.
Affected Service: Cluster A - inbound email delays
Mar 13, 18:17 UTC
Resolved - All-clear and sorry about this! Please do let us know if you notice anything else unusual.
Incident Start Time: 03-13-2021 02:35:00 UTC
Incident End Time: 03-13-2021 14:57:00 UTC
Total Duration: 12 hours 22 mins
Mar 13, 16:28 UTC
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented for this issue. We're monitoring the results now.
Mar 13, 15:28 UTC
Identified - We found the problem and are working on a fix. It should be fixed shortly.
Mar 13, 14:07 UTC
Update - Our teams are working to diagnose the problem. We want to get the system back up as soon as possible. Please stay tuned.
Mar 13, 12:55 UTC
Update - Our technician has been engaged. We are still working on this and will update again when there is more progress.
Mar 13, 11:54 UTC
Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue. Currently our Network Engineering team is investigating packet loss between bra1 and bra2 clusters for PROD A. We are engaging Data Centre Technician to investigate the link between the clusters.
We will provide updates as they become available, and appreciate your patience.
Mar 13, 09:53 UTC
Update - Our engineering team is still investigating the root cause of inbound email delays on PROD A. We will post updates once we have them available.
Mar 13, 09:08 UTC
Investigating - We are currently experiencing an incident that is impacting Hostedemail, (Prod A, Inbound/Outbound Mail). Users on prod A will experience inbound email delays. The engineering team is currently investigating the issues.
Visit our product pages for details and methods of registration, transfer and renewal of your Domain name, SSL Certificate or Enterprise Email Service.
Have an issue thats being affected by this maintenance? Open a Ticket and we can help you find a solution.