Canadian WordPress Website Hosting

Open Source Software
Our WordPress Website Hosting uses the WordPress open source software that you can use for FREE to create a beautiful website, blog, app or eCommerce store.
As the only official Canadian WordPress CLI hosting partner, we are the experts you need to run your WordPress.
Let us be your platform and WordPress the framework.
WordPress .COM vs WordPress .ORG
If you’re here looking for the difference between the free WordPress subdomain website offered by WordPress.COM. Keep it mind its not the exact same platform. WordPress.COM is a separate entity from WordPress.ORG’s self hosted CMS framework.
WordPress.COM is not as customizable and you are limited to their pre-approved plugins, your design options are based on their limited themes. .COM is based on the same software we install and is available on the .ORG website for free but their version is locked down to their platform and cannot be easily transferred to a certified WordPress hosting provider.

We act as your software hosting company, hosting the WordPress CMS framework for you. WordPress.ORG does not host your website, blog or eCommerce store; they provide the software that was built by the open source community and is available to everyone for FREE.
You are paying for a website hosting solution that, in our case is optimized to host the WordPress CMS Framework specifically.
Limitless WordPress Options
WordPress has over 55,000 plugins that you can install for free, giving you the ability to run an online store with client management, billing functionality and even newsletter and contact form support.
We also offer WP-CLI a pre-installed command line utility allow Agencies and larger businesses to automate WordPress tasks like updates, plugin installation and management.

Managed WordPress Website Hosting
The costs are at a minimum because WordPress has extensive documentation, and we are very familiar with the platform and can code solutions or offer guidance. Some might consider us Experts!
Plus, all the open source (read that as Free) software allows us to develop and integrate tools for you faster; we generally only need to customize it for your use case.
Contact our team for more information on how we can help you.
The WordPress CMS framework already powers 39 % of the internet and has been downloaded over 7 million times!
As of January 2021 –
WordPress Powers the World!
As an official WordPress hosting company, we can make sure your installation is secure, optimized and ready to receive your online visitors.
Order our semi-managed WordPress Website Hosting and speak with your account manager if you’re interested in a Custom solution where we hold your hand and go over all the steps you need to offer your product or solutions online.