Network Outage – Domains
Original incident notification from OpenSRS
These notifications affect registration, transfer or renewal of domain names, SSL certificates and enterprise email clients.
Affected Service: Network Outage - Domains
Dec 16, 17:42 UTC
Resolved - We've restored out network services fully and have not seen any errors. This matter is now resolved.
Dec 16, 17:36 UTC
Monitoring - Mitigation is in place and services are functioning without error. We are continuing to monitor until we have the all green to close this issue out.
Dec 16, 17:23 UTC
Update - We are currently investigating an issue with our Network that is impacting OpenSRS Domain Services, some users may experience issues with API calls to ccTLDs, this includes registration, renewal, and transfers. Our network engineers have been engaged and are currently trying to implement a workaround to mitigate the degration.
Dec 16, 17:18 UTC
Investigating - We've been made aware of an issue and are currently looking into a fix
Visit our product pages for details and methods of registration, transfer and renewal of your Domain name, SSL Certificate or Enterprise Email Service.
Have an issue thats being affected by this maintenance? Open a Ticket and we can help you find a solution.