API/RCP errors related to an authdb server
Original incident notification from OpenSRS
These notifications affect registration, transfer or renewal of domain names, SSL certificates and enterprise email clients.
Affected Service: API/RCP errors related to an authdb server
Jun 24, 18:54 UTC
Resolved - Our operations team was able to determine the cause of errors was due to a network blip on a server used for API request authentication. Services are back to normal and the incident is resolved.
Incident Start Time: 06-24-2021 17:05:00 UTC
Incident End Time:06-24-2021 18:26:00 UTC
Total Duration:1 hour and 24 minutes
Jun 24, 18:24 UTC
Update - Our operations team continues to work on correcting an issue with a server used to process API commands for domain services. We will provide updates as they become available.
Jun 24, 17:41 UTC
Identified - Our database team have identified the issue and they are troubleshooting further. There are intermittent errors when completing domain actions in the reseller control panel. We will provide further updates soon.
Jun 24, 17:35 UTC
Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Jun 24, 17:26 UTC
Update - We are experiencing a network-related issue affecting the reseller control panel. We will provide another updates within the next 15 minutes. At this time, domain management through the reseller control panels will be affected.
Jun 24, 17:20 UTC
Investigating - We are experiencing degradation of service. We will provide an update shortly with additional information.
Visit our product pages for details and methods of registration, transfer and renewal of your Domain name, SSL Certificate or Enterprise Email Service.
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