Cloudflare Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Issues

Orinal source post by Cloudflare

Nov 2, 01:55 UTC
Resolved - The team has resolved the issue and has re-enabled the creation of new Microsoft 365 CASB integrations. If you have any questions or run into any further issues, please contact Cloudflare Support.

Nov 2, 00:53 UTC
Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.

Nov 1, 02:22 UTC
Update - The team has identified the extent of the issue and continues working towards a fix. The creation of new Microsoft CASB integrations remains disabled at this time.

Oct 31, 14:04 UTC
Investigating - Cloudflare is investigating issues with its Cloud Access Security Broker.
Creating new Microsoft CASB integrations has been disabled at this time while the team investigates further.

We are working to understand the full impact and mitigate this problem. More updates to follow shortly.

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