Cloudflare Consumer WARP Source IP
Orinal source post by Cloudflare
Apr 27, 23:01 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Apr 27, 20:51 UTC
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.
Apr 27, 13:22 UTC
Update - Update to alleviate the issue is being deployed while we continue to investigate for the root cause.
Apr 27, 11:38 UTC
Update - Following initial investigation Engineers established that the issue affects only some traffic which transits via WARP.
IP, ASN, geo information of some requests is not being correctly identified.
Transits via WARP for personal use cases; traffic for Cloudflare One and Zero Trust customers is not impacted.
Apr 27, 11:18 UTC
Investigating - Cloudflare is investigating issues with Cloudflare WARP.
We are working to understand the full impact and mitigate this problem.
More updates to follow shortly.