Cloudflare Load Balancing & Logs Degraded

Orinal source post by Cloudflare

Jun 27, 00:06 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.

Jun 26, 23:03 UTC
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.

Jun 26, 17:20 UTC
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.

Jun 26, 17:08 UTC
Investigating - Cloudflare is investigating delayed logging for DNS, LB Analytics, Healthcheck Analytics, as well as a delay in updating latency information for Load Balancers with Dynamic Latency as steering method. This may result in Load Balancer routing CDN requests to a pool that is not the fastest for a given Cloudflare Region.

We are working to resolve the issue. More updates to follow shortly.

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