Cluster A sending issues
Original incident notification from OpenSRS
These notifications affect registration, transfer or renewal of domain names, SSL certificates and enterprise email clients.
Affected Service: Cluster A sending issues
Oct 18, 18:04 UTC
Resolved - We are no longer reporting errors with sending mail, users should now be able to send mail without issue. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this outage.
Incident Start Time: 10-18-2021 14:00:00 UTC
Incident End Time:10-18-2021 17:49:00 UTC
Total Duration: 3 hours and 49 minutes
Oct 18, 17:35 UTC
Update - Our engineering teams have completed syncing operations and are now moving over resources onto the relevant hardware. We will provide more updates as they come. We will update within the next 30 minutes.
Thank you for your patience.
Oct 18, 16:31 UTC
Monitoring - The faulty hardware has been replaced and we are in a recovery state. All the mail queues are now processing and will recover within an hour or so.
Oct 18, 15:32 UTC
Update - Our engineering team has identified the cause to be due to a hardware issue and are working to resolve the matter.
Oct 18, 14:22 UTC
Investigating - We are experiencing a degradation in service for Hosted Email customers on cluster A. Users may experience issues with sending with error "SMTP Error (454)" Authentication failed". Our Engineering team has been engaged and they are currently investigating the issue.
Visit our product pages for details and methods of registration, transfer and renewal of your Domain name, SSL Certificate or Enterprise Email Service.
Have an issue thats being affected by this maintenance? Open a Ticket and we can help you find a solution.