Cluster B – send/receive/access issue
Original incident notification from OpenSRS
These notifications affect registration, transfer or renewal of domain names, SSL certificates and enterprise email clients.
Affected Service: Cluster B - send/receive/access issue
Dec 9, 22:48 UTC
Resolved - Our engineering team believed the problem is due to a routing issue for customers on a Verizon network node in the New York area. If you continue to have issue connecting to, please try using as a workaround while waiting for the routing issue to be resolved by Verizon. If issue persists or you believe you are not on the Verizon network, please run the following tests and have the results ready before contacting support so we can speed up the troubleshooting/resolution process:
1. ping
2. tracert (for windows or equivalent for other OS)
3. telnet 80 (please run the same command for port 143/25/110 as well)
Incident Start Time: 12-09-2021 15:45:00 UTC
Incident End Time:12-09-2021 22:34:00 UTC
Total Duration: 6 hr, 49 min
Dec 9, 22:10 UTC
Investigating - We are currently experiencing an issue that is impacting hosted email, (Webmail/IMAP). We have reports of customers in cluster B having intermittent login/send/receive issues with webmail/IMAP. Our engineering team has been engaged and is investigating currently.
Visit our product pages for details and methods of registration, transfer and renewal of your Domain name, SSL Certificate or Enterprise Email Service.
Have an issue thats being affected by this maintenance? Open a Ticket and we can help you find a solution.