Engagement Stats Delayed 09/22/20 05:30PM MDT
Original incident notification from SendGrid
These maintenances affect outgoing email on the Zenith Media Canada Network of servers, all outgoing email unless configured by the client to do otherwise rely on the smart host gateway of SendGrid.
Sep 22, 18:38 PDT
Resolved - Starting at 09/22/20 05:30PM MDT engagement stats and related events for all customers were delayed by up to 60 minutes. This delay impacted click & open stats and any related engagement-based events like Event Webhook posts and Email Activity. The issue has been resolved and all stats processes are caught up. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this incident and thank you for your patience.
Interested in using SendGrid as your outgoing email strategy? Take advantage of our Cloud Website Hosting and our WordPress Website Hosting that are already fully integrated and configured to send using their global network. Interested in cPanel Anti-Spam Email Protection? if you're an Email administrator, that solution is for you.
Have an issue thats being affected by this maintenance? Open a Ticket and we can help you find a solution.