Increased Error in North America Region

Orinal source post by Cloudflare

Nov 30, 03:29 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.

Nov 30, 03:17 UTC
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.

Nov 30, 03:11 UTC
Identified - Cloudflare has identified the cause of elevated error rates in regions of North America.

Nov 30, 03:09 UTC
Update - Cloudflare is investigating an increased level of errors in North America. Users may observe elevated error rates, degraded performance, or an overall degraded experience in North America.

We are working to analyse and mitigate this problem. More updates to follow shortly.

Nov 30, 02:34 UTC
Investigating - Cloudflare is investigating an increased level of errors for Workers Durable Objects.

We are working to analyse and mitigate this problem. More updates to follow shortly.

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