Facebook reviews

We want to hear from you

We want to know what you think about your service and our company as a whole.

If you have a positive review, then please take the time to write on our Facebook page.

Doing so will help other people get an idea of what our customers think, and assist them in deciding on our products and services.

If you happen to have a negative review, we would love the chance to make it right. You can open a request and elaborate your frustration, we will escalate the issue and have our top managers go over it.

Write a review

You can write your review using the following link;


You can write about your experience with a specific account manager, or the company as a whole or a particular project we helped you with. Be as short or as detailed as you’d like. Extra point if you elaborate.

Claim your credit

As a thank you, you are eligible to receive a 5.00$ credit on your account.

To claim your credit, please make sure the following is true.

You like our fan page, you wrote a review, and you opened a request telling us you finished writing a review.

We will manually add the credit when verified.

If you have a negative comment, then please open a request and tell us what you didn’t like about ourselves or our service, and we will do our best to find a solution.

Everyone benefits

Did you already leave a great review? As a thank you, you’ll also benefit from this credit. Just follow the steps above.

Thank you from everyone at Zenith Media Canada ❤️